Accompaniment of the master plan extrapolation of the Cluster Food Industry Brandenburg

The sustainable transformation of the agriculture and food industry in Brandenburg

The Cluster Food Industry is an innovation cluster of the federal state of Brandenburg. It was launched in 2014 with the aim of identifying fields of innovation between the players along the value chain and developing them further in projects.

Changing framework conditions such as climate change and increased consumer awareness of sustainable production are having an increasing impact on the industry and require an adjusted roadmap to make the agriculture and food industry sustainable and CO2 neutral by 2030.

We are proud that innos has been steering the participatory process since July 2021 and defining, concretizing and underpinning the central fields of action with measures together with all stakeholders involved. Until end of March 2022, a comprehensive strategy paper will be produced, which will highlight the key topics for Brandenburg and serve as a navigator for the cluster stakeholders in the transformation.


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