Pilot project "Lightweight construction satellite account": Survey on the economic importance of lightweight construction in Germany
With the commission of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), the office of the Lightweight Construction Initiative is pursuing the goal of creating a so-called "Lightweight Construction Satellite Account" for Germany.
This pioneering project needs your support by actively contributing to highlighting the importance of lightweight construction for Germany by participating in our survey.
What is the focus?
The aim is to establish the economic viability of lightweight construction in Germany based on concrete figures (such as revenue or employment figures). These figures are already available for Austria, and other countries will follow.
The use of lightweight construction allows products and processes to be optimized economically and ecologically by saving mass, material, and energy. Lightweight construction technologies are a central component in various sectors of the German and global economy and bring value to the mobility sector, mechanical and plant engineering, energy supply, and other branches of industry, among others. Even though these developments will receive a noticeable push in Germany as a business location in the medium and long term, the overall economic significance of lightweight construction can only be estimated at present.
One reason for this is the dynamism and diversity of the areas of application, which gives lightweight construction a cross-sectional character across various sectors that have not yet been fully defined.
To substantiate its performance with reliable figures, the Lightweight Construction Initiative is setting up a satellite account commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. The following tasks are the central points of the study:
- Seamless recording of turnover and tax returns from lightweight construction
- Mapping direct and indirect value chains, for example, based on employment effects
This survey has already been preceded by analyses, expert interviews, and workshops, which provide a qualitative basis for the lightweight construction satellite account. In the next step, the results will be put on a broad data basis in order to be able to make holistic statements about the actual overall economic significance of lightweight construction.
We will publish an electronic, accessible final report on the project at the end of the six-month project period.
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