The gift of a smile: innos takes part in wishing tree campaign
The Christmas season is a time of giving – when we think of those who need our support the most.
In our worldwide projects we gain numerous exciting insights that we would like to share with you. Whether they be informational documents, breathtaking images or emotional videos - here you can experience a cross-media insight into our work.
The Christmas season is a time of giving – when we think of those who need our support the most.
Different personalities come together in every workplace. We have created our own color profile with Insights Discovery®.
Can the Olympic idea push for a sustainable mobility transition?
Smart cities are more than just an abstract model for the future, they are part of our present.
The production industry is facing new EU sustainability regulations. The first network meeting was dedicated to the joint search for innovative solutions.
Mit Beginn des Wintersemesters begrüßen wir unsere erste duale Studentin.
Wir verwandeln komplexe Herausforderungen in greifbare Lösungen, fördern kreative Zusammenarbeit und schaffen Raum für innovative Ideen.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.
For the first time, there is an empirical evaluation of the economic significance of lightweight construction in Germany.
The innos (summer) days in Göttingen provided the perfect setting for us to reflect on our values.
3000 kilometers round trip, 450 kilometers range: if you want to travel fully electric, you should plan your routes well.
Modern pirates (on-)board. The marketing team took away many other insights from the team day.
A table tennis table and an enthusiastic team - that's all it takes to celebrate important milestones. This was the innos After-Work event.
The state capital of Thuringia was the venue for our annual team meeting. This insight captures the intensive days.
At innos, female empowerment is more than just a buzzword. It stands for awareness, appreciation, and individual development.
"'Digital Production Networks" is set to revolutionize the manufacturing industry by combining various topics along the value chain.
Last week, the office of the Lightweight Construction Initiative visited two inspiring events for lightweight construction. Here are some impressions.
By joining the innovation network for DigitRubber, small and medium-sized companies can play a pivotal role in advancing digitalization in the rubber industry.
Das Wohlbefinden aller Beschäftigten spielt innerhalb und außerhalb des Arbeitsalltags eine wichtige Rolle.
This year's motto: "Lightweight construction as a transformation technology for the resource turnaround"
To make a difference in the world, you need allies. Oliver Bub, my business partner and Swiss Army Knife, celebrates 20 years of innos - Congratulations!
An ongoing study surveys the impact of lightweight construction on Germany's economy.
Our company pension scheme is more than just a benefit. It is an investment in the future of our innosians.
The CharIN team has grown; a good time to discuss our plans in a workshop in Munich.
Meeting in person also means moving forward together. A look back at the innos Days in January.
A change of perspective also involves a change of costume. Looking back at the innos days 2024.
Lightweight construction initiative on a company tour: We look to the future with lightness!
innos supports small and medium-sized enterprises as part of the European initiative "Manufacturing NextMaterials"
"Do good things and talk about it" was the motto of the communication workshop with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research.
The team of the Lightweight Initiative visits the German Aerospace Center in Stade.
We take companies to the next level of success: the CharIN Academy is ready to break new ground.
The calm before the creative storm – a finale and a new start
A strategy is an invitation to join in
Successful impetus for Brandenburg's future
Team Fusion Business Development and Marketing/Communication: What belongs together grows together
Our corporate values are not just slogans – we actively live them.
Oh, it's that time again
People & Culture News
Munich is beautiful too
Hybrid & New Work – What?
Shaping the future together: Workshop on the development of the innos strategy
André Kaufung in an interview with "Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie"
Summer feelings together by the campus pool
Sailing into the future together and setting new sails
"One for all and all for one!"
Bewerbungsphase für Lightweight Innovation Award 2023 gestartet
CharIN team meeting in Leipzig from 01/24 until 01/25/2023
This year's New Year's greetings are all about our values.
innos Weihnachtsfeier 2022 - Zukunftsvisionen und Eisstockschießne
Collaboration is key – innos @ Greentech Festival in Singapore
Two days with one mission: Tackling together!
Innovative ideas, great impulses and positive team vibes
innos organizes the CharIN joint booth in Oslo!
Finally once again all innosians in one place at the innos meetingdays in Wolfsburg!
Around the globe: Internationale Zusammenarbeit - Interkulturelle Herausforderungen
Wir freuen uns über weitere 4 Jahre aktive Entwicklung des CharIN
Abschied nach 3 Jahren Begleitung und Aufbau des Innovation Campus Lemgo
Der Strukturwandel ist gekommen, um zu bleiben: innos-MittagXPause zum Thema „Struktur-wandel, Transformation, Umbruch – Wirtschaft nachhaltig fördern“
Erfolgreiche CharIN Testivals in Ostfildern bei Stuttgart und Newark, Californien
innos als HIPE AWARD Preisträger - der wichtigsten Auszeichnung in der Dienstleistungsbranche mit rund 10.000 Bewerbern jährlich.
Vorstellung der Industrieallianz HeavHy auf dem Forum Hydrogen Business For Climate
„Wertearbeit“? Sind Werte nicht selbstverständlich und wie kann man überhaupt an ihnen „arbeiten“?
innos zu Gast auf der "Clusterkonferenz Metall 2021". Kommen Sie dazu!
Insbesondere dieses Jahr war es eine große Freude, dass unser innos Sommerfest physisch stattfinden konnte.
Mit SNiPoCC wurde Ende Juni eines von insgesamt 11 RUBIN-Projekten durch das BMBF für die Umsetzungsphase der ersten Förderrunde ausgewählt.
The Heart-on-a-Chip network and Lab-on-a-Chip technologies are hosting their 4th Joint Network Conference and Poster Session as a virtual event on June 10th, 21
Thüringen – Innovation aus der Mitte Deutschlands
André Kaufung: Vortrag zur Potenzialanalyse „Leichtbau in der Hauptstadtregion“
Open-NIW hebt Diagnostik und Monitoring in der Intensivmedizin auf ein neues Level.
Das Interesse am Förderprojekt wächst und rückt die Projektpartner mehr in den Fokus.
Wir innosianer haben Zuwachs bekommen und sind stolz, Semih Tetik als neues Team-Mitglied begrüßen zu dürfen.
Frisch eingetroffen: Unser eigener Gin überzeugt mit inspirierendem Geschmack, der jeden Moment zu einem großartigen Gedanken werden lassen kann.
The Horizon2020 program has awarded 4 million EUR to the CollectiEF project - focused on legacy equipment in buildings “smart” to increase energy efficiency.
Invitation for an open discussion about common solutions for e-bike charging!
Buses4future wird Landessieger Niedersachsen im Unternehmenswettbewerb.
Dr. Bernd Althusmann und Björn Thümler informieren sich bei Avacon AG in Helmstedt über innovative Projekte zur Unterstützung des Strukturwandels in der Region.
Seit Januar gilt das Forschungszulagengesetz, das eine steuerliche Begünstigung von FuE-Tätigkeit vorsieht. innos unterstützt bei der Antragstellung.
The Heart-on-a-Chip network and International Network for Lab-on-a Chip technologies are hosting their 3rd Joint Network Conference as a virtual event.
The Heart-on-a-Chip network and the International Network for Lab-on-a Chip technologies hosted their 11th Joint Network Meeting as a virtual event.
Biotechnologieverband veröffentlicht Leitbild zum Technologietransfer an lebenswissenschaftlichen Forschungseinrichtungen.
The French company CEMA Technologies and two institutes of the TU Clausthal are now officially joining the „Smart Plastics Network“.
Netzwerk zur Entwicklung von multifunktionellen Materiallösungen für Verpackungen auf Zellulose-Basis bündelt Kompetenzen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.
4th CharIN NA Conference: Registration is open now!
Wichtige Mitteilung der Wegbereiter für Innovationen
Mehr Innovationskraft bei Unternehmen im Deutsch-Niederländischen Grenzgebiet durch das Interreg VA-Projekt „ROCKET“.