Alexander Janissek

The Networker / Project Management Office

Information about me


Project Management Office

With innos since

March 2023

Professional qualification

Master of Materials Science mit Erfahrung im Produkt- und Projektmanagement

What can you expect from me

Agile head who finds win-win situations for all involved. I create spaces in which people from different backgrounds can meet at eye level.

Why you should choose innos as your partner and service provider

We connect people, organizations and networks to help innovative ideas break through.

But also interesting ...

Childhood dream job

Explorers and adventurers - always hungry to explore new ideas and think their way into other perspectives.

(Life) motto

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.


Interkultureller Austausch, Kochen, Saxofon, Ballsportarten

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