Sharing Visions of the Future
The innos Days always initiate a great deal of anticipation in me - the anticipation of the personal exchange with the entire team in a more relaxed setting that doesn't just consist of agenda items and agendas.
The last innos Days, which we organized this time as a "New Year's event" instead of the usual Christmas party, took place two weeks ago. It was a great feeling to look at all the faces you usually see in a digital setting, knowing that many of them have traveled hundreds of kilometers for this meeting.
Regular meetings in person are crucial to review the past year and, at the same time, align our visions for the future together. While the future should be on everyone's mind, it is particularly significant for our entrepreneurial activities at innos. Therefore, Professor Dr. Rammler, who conducts research into the future and mobility, gave us exciting insights into scenarios we are already confronted with today and maybe even more so tomorrow. Adaptability - or resilience - is a pathfinder for innovation, and we know that we are already very resilient, but we can still optimize this across the board.
An innos Day always includes a team event, of which we have already organized many. But this is the first time I have seen one that made such a big splash beforehand. We arranged a murder mystery dinner, and the team did not miss the opportunity to coordinate disguises and roles in the respective groups weeks in advance. At the event, this led to a unique group dynamic that gave us all an entertaining evening - a very positive way to spend the evening as a team.
Before we parted ways again, we sat together for a review round, which I always look forward to. It is one of the most exciting moments of innos Days and everyone involved carries it with as much energy as solidarity. Open interaction with each other is essential in order to find out what is going right and where we can improve as an organization. I am pleased that the feedback this year was once again highly positive and characterized by absolute openness.
We can all be proud of this, and I personally am already looking forward to the next innos Days in September.
innos insights –
Author of this article:
André Kaufung