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86 search results for „Innovation“.
Joint development and implementation of a holistic innovation management system for THIMM.
Innovation Campus Lemgo
As a location initiative, the Innovation Campus Lemgo bundles all forces from education, research and business in the target field of digital transformation.
Airbus Operations GmbH
Development and implementation of an innovation management for the AIRBUS plant in Stade.
Innovation space: BioDigit - Triggering Sustainable Bioeconomy
How can bioeconomy and digitization be successfully linked, structures and processes established and implemented?
Machining Innovations Network (MIN) e.V.
Nationwide innovation network for metal-cutting manufacturing technologies and continuous optimization of production designed and built.
RUBIN AgiTool – Innovative by tradition, leading as a group.
Support of the project alliance "AgiTool" for the successful concept submission of a RUBIN project.
Interreg-Projekt ROCKET (RegiOnal Collaboration on Key Enabling Technologies)
Promote cooperation between business and science in the German-Dutch border area to strengthen research, technology and innovation.
Cluster Metal WFBB
Accelerate development of innovation fields.
Kompetenznetzwerk automatisierte und vernetzte Mobilität innocam.NRW
Innovation through networking and the implementation of intelligent transport systems on roads, railways, in the air, and on water.
Regional entrepreneurial alliances for innovation (RUBIN)
Support of the project consortium SNiPoCC (Südniedersachsen Point of Care Cluster).
BP p.l.c.
BP plans to build a consortium and innovation platform with external strategic partners along a defined value chain.
Cluster Food Industry Brandenburg
The sustainable transformation of the agriculture and food industry in Brandenburg
Cluster Food Industry Brandenburg II.
The agricultural and food industry is undergoing a significant upheaval - we were privileged to walk this path with the Cluster Food Industry Brandenburg.
Potenzialanalyse „Leichtbau in der Hauptstadtregion“
Together with the client Berlin Partner, innos investigated the possibilities of lightweight construction along the value chain in Berlin and Brandenburg.
QUANTUM – Quality management for building performance
Develop services and tools to support quality management for building energy efficiency.
RUBIN Sketch phase for the third round of funding
RUBIN projects "AKUTEKTION" and "INA-Glas" successfully accompanied the submission of sketches.
Cluster Transport, Mobility and Logistics WFBB
Support of the cluster management in the industry field "Automotive".
Digital Production Networks
The German-Dutch ZIM network supports manufacturing SMEs in matters of sustainability, circular economy and innovative materials.
Netzwerk „Digital Shadows“
Establishment of a ZIM network in the target field "Digital shadow and digital twins in dynamic production networks".
Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS)
Trade show appearances that visualize CCS competencies and provide members with an opportunity to showcase their capabilities.
Competence Network RIKO
Realization of innovative construction materials from renewable raw materials (abbr. RIKO)
Netzwerk „Lab-on-a-Chip“
Establishment of a German-Dutch ZIM network to exploit the market potential of lab-on-a-chip technologies.
Workshop „Business Model Canvas“ für Cluster und Netzwerke
Preperation and implementation for a continuing education of a business model development and sustainable strategic planning for clusters and networks.
ROCKET Erfolgsstory
Mehr Innovationskraft bei Unternehmen im Deutsch-Niederländischen Grenzgebiet durch das Interreg VA-Projekt „ROCKET“.
Berlin sucht die Leichtbau-Stars!
Bewerbungsphase für Lightweight Innovation Award 2023 gestartet
Digital transformation of the rubber industry: innovation network DigitRubber
By joining the innovation network for DigitRubber, small and medium-sized companies can play a pivotal role in advancing digitalization in the rubber industry.
Abschied vom Innovation Campus Lemgo
Abschied nach 3 Jahren Begleitung und Aufbau des Innovation Campus Lemgo
Care for life, care for future - Innovationen aus Südniedersachsen
Mit SNiPoCC wurde Ende Juni eines von insgesamt 11 RUBIN-Projekten durch das BMBF für die Umsetzungsphase der ersten Förderrunde ausgewählt.
RUBIN Projekt
Thüringen – Innovation aus der Mitte Deutschlands
Tomorrow's cities are smart, but we have to start today
Smart cities are more than just an abstract model for the future, they are part of our present.
Clusterkonferenz Metall 2021
innos zu Gast auf der "Clusterkonferenz Metall 2021". Kommen Sie dazu!
Entwicklung der innos-Strategie
Shaping the future together: Workshop on the development of the innos strategy
Frisch eingetroffen: Unser eigener Gin überzeugt mit inspirierendem Geschmack, der jeden Moment zu einem großartigen Gedanken werden lassen kann.
Wichtige Mitteilung innos
Wichtige Mitteilung der Wegbereiter für Innovationen
Digital networking in production: German-Dutch ZIM network launched
"'Digital Production Networks" is set to revolutionize the manufacturing industry by combining various topics along the value chain.
In the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Human Interaction Remains Irreplaceable
A look back at the innos Days in January 2025
Lauch of European Project "Manufacturing NextMaterials"
innos supports small and medium-sized enterprises as part of the European initiative "Manufacturing NextMaterials"
Wir sind Berlin Partner
André Kaufung in an interview with "Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie"
GREENTECH Festival in Los Angeles
Can the Olympic idea push for a sustainable mobility transition?
Grundlagenforschung BIO Deutschland
Biotechnologieverband veröffentlicht Leitbild zum Technologietransfer an lebenswissenschaftlichen Forschungseinrichtungen.
Innovation of the e-Bike charging experience
Invitation for an open discussion about common solutions for e-bike charging!
"Dual-arm robot" funding project revolutionizes 3D printing
First R&D project launched in the DPN network.
New ways of communication: Workshop with Fraunhofer-WKI
"Do good things and talk about it" was the motto of the communication workshop with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research.
NEMAZ Kickoff
Netzwerk zur Entwicklung von multifunktionellen Materiallösungen für Verpackungen auf Zellulose-Basis bündelt Kompetenzen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.
CharIN Team Event
CharIN team meeting in Leipzig from 01/24 until 01/25/2023
„Die Hauptstadt des digitalen Leichtbaus“
André Kaufung: Vortrag zur Potenzialanalyse „Leichtbau in der Hauptstadtregion“
Erstes Netzwerktreffen des Digital Production Networks
The production industry is facing new EU sustainability regulations. The first network meeting was dedicated to the joint search for innovative solutions.
Seit Januar gilt das Forschungszulagengesetz, das eine steuerliche Begünstigung von FuE-Tätigkeit vorsieht. innos unterstützt bei der Antragstellung.
Greentech Festival Singapur
Collaboration is key – innos @ Greentech Festival in Singapore
Sharing visions of the future
Meeting in person also means moving forward together. A look back at the innos Days in January.
innos Meetingday
Finally once again all innosians in one place at the innos meetingdays in Wolfsburg!
innos MittagXpause to-go
Around the globe: Internationale Zusammenarbeit - Interkulturelle Herausforderungen
Innovative recruiting for future innos talents
People & Culture News
Buses4future KfW-Award
Buses4future wird Landessieger Niedersachsen im Unternehmenswettbewerb.
Leben retten mit Hightech: das Forschungsnetzwerk Open-NIW
Open-NIW hebt Diagnostik und Monitoring in der Intensivmedizin auf ein neues Level.
Smart Plastics Network Partners
The French company CEMA Technologies and two institutes of the TU Clausthal are now officially joining the „Smart Plastics Network“.
Strategic planning and fields of action for the future
A strategy is an invitation to join in
From Onboarding to Setting Sail: Marketing Team Meeting and Building
Modern pirates (on-)board. The marketing team took away many other insights from the team day.
Looking forward to innos Days 2024
The calm before the creative storm – a finale and a new start
Lightweight Innovation Award 2023
In order to make the potential of lightweight construction visible, Berlin will be presenting the Lightweight Innovation Award for the first time in 2023.
Lightweight Innovation Award 2023
In order to make the potential of lightweight construction visible, Berlin will be presenting the Lightweight Innovation Award for the first time in 2023.
MittagXpause – ZIM DL– Leistungen zur Markteinführung
MittagXpause - ZIM DL - 25.02.2021
MittagXpause – Strukturwandel, Transformation, Umbruch – Wirtschaft nachhaltig fördern
MittagXpause – Strukturwandel, Transformation, Umbruch – Wirtschaft nachhaltig fördern – 10. November 2021
Präsentation der Studienergebnisse durch unseren CEO
André Kaufung: Potenzialanalyse „Leichtbau in der Hauptstadtregion“
Dr. Andreas Baar
Thoroughbred Technologist / Senior Project Manager
Dr. Nadine Teusler
The Octopus – Many Topics = Many Arms / Senior Project Manager
Oliver Bub
Swiss Army Knife / Executive Expert
Anika Barthel
Project Manager
Iohanna Vater
Feel-Good Manager / Head of Events & Communications
Max Hilarius
Technology Manager Lightweight Construction
Culture of innovation
We show you how to clear the way for innovation and how to successfully create a culture of innovation in your organization.
In diesem Whitepaper wollen wir aufzeigen wie Sie den Wandel hin zu nachhaltigen Innovationen auch in Ihrer Organisation gestalten können.
We are inspired by ideas with innovation strength that drive change processes.
innos doesn’t have any run-of-the-mill recipes. We offer individual solutions when and where they are needed. Our services run the gamut from strategic …
MittagXpause – innos-Expertise2Go
Are you hungry for more fresh bites of innovation and expertise?
As drivers of innovation, we help your ideas to achieve their goal efficiently and effectively. Inspiration for your project is what drives us. We work …
innos for companies
We live in one of the most diverse and dynamic societies in history. But where more is possible, more is needed: in order to keep up with change, skills like …
Our approach
We pave the way for your innovations. What may sound trite is something very special to us, because when it comes to making innovations successful, we can look …
innos for associations and clusters
Innovations are rarely created by chance! This is something we have learned from our longstanding experience in the areas of the future and technology. …
Being enthusiastic about what you do and enjoying it are crucial.
We rely on interdisciplinary cooperation with experienced partners in every respect. Our team is made up of experts from the natural sciences, engineering, …
Innovations and “new technologies” are currently among the most pressing topics in all modern companies and institutions. After all, the future is something …
We understand that interdisciplinarity is essential for successful innovations. Our experienced team is therefore made up of personalities with different focal …
Here you will find information on our numerous events. Register and experience innovation live!
innos for friends
With proven flexibility and care, we create future-oriented added value together. Our greatest drive in realizing your vision is the challenge of transforming …